Passion374 has been around for 10 years now. With all sorts of offers and services for singles, it is sometimes easy to lose sight of the reason for this ministry. That is why we are here to reaffirm our motivations.
A solution to loneliness
The Resolution to Develop Our Wisdom
Whether it’s at the beginning of a new year or at any other time of the year that is conducive to a new beginning, we make all sorts of resolutions. We want to improve our health, appearance, relationships, etc. But what about our wisdom?
Looking back at 2024
This is the time of year when we rejoice in our “good moves” and choose to learn from our mistakes. An exercise that is just as useful for Passion374!
Be proud of yourself or be full of pride?
We all know that pride is a bad fault (even a sin), and for the sake of humility, we sometimes refuse compliments. Where is the line between being proud and being prideful?
4 Ways to Receive the Best of God
We know that the best God has given us is His Son Jesus. His sacrifice has given us eternal life, what more could we ask for? God’s generosity has no limits and our Father wants to bless His children even more.