Taking care of your bank account is as important as taking care of your health. You want to give your best to your future partner, don’t you? Well, that also includes your bank account.
As soon as you pronounce your vows on the day of your marriage before God and before men, you will be united until death separates you. Your life will no longer be yours, it will be your partner’s. This includes your body (Yay, some will say!), your time … and your debts! What will you give to your new spouse as a wedding gift? A debt of $ 20,000? Not very sexy, is it?
Not only is it not pleasant for your mate, but it’s not what God wants for his children. “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” (Proverbs 22.7 NIV) If God sent his Son to die on the cross to free us from sin, He certainly doesn’t want to see us getting chained again by debts. The Apostle Paul also encouraged early Christians not to owe anyone money and to pay their taxes (Rom. 13: 8). Before you get married, please, release yourself from your debts as much as you can!
To avoid incurring new debts, be careful not to spend more than your income. Renounce the Princess Attitude! God does not want you to be poor and miserable, but He does not want you to live above your means either. God wants to multiply your finances, so that you can give more, not for your personal glory! “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” (2 Cor 9:8 NIV). A princess’s attitude is a form of pride; A sin that should not be part of your life. (You can read our article on this subject)
By the way, when you prepare your wedding, remember this advice. Stay wise during the preparation of that special day. You may have waited a long time for this great ceremony, and you want it to be spectacular, but be careful with your money! Make sure you don’t enter marriage with debts. So invest in your marriage, not in your wedding! If you do not have the money to buy a $ 5,000 dress or pay for a lavish $ 50,000 reception, do not borrow for it! Be more modest on your big day, and you’ll have a marriage that starts off on the right foot.
To avoid spending beyond your income, follow a budget. Nothing complicated: your monthly income in one column, all your monthly expenses in a second column, and a simple subtraction to see what you have left. Luke 16:10a (NIV) says: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” Before being able to maintain a family’s budget, start by keeping your own budget.
In your budget, also plan for savings. If you have a good financial cushion, you can afford a brighter wedding, or better yet, you may be able to contribute to a down payment for a new home! We all hope to live a long life, so start putting money aside early to live a beautiful retirement. What a blessing will you be to your partner if you know how to invest your money!
But before putting money aside, even before paying your bills, don’t forget to honor God with your finances. Give your tithe as a symbol of your trust in God. You trust Him for your salvation, your life, your love life. You should also trust Him with your money! If you are one of those who says that tithing “is something in the Old Testament, it does not apply to us”, then follow the early Christians of the New Testament and give more than ten percent of your income! The latter had decided to sell all their possessions and give all the revenues to the growth of the Kingdom of God. That is more than 10%, isn’t it? Trust God with your finances; invest first in His Kingdom while supporting your local church.
Finally, be generous, while respecting your financial means. A generous person is always more inviting and attractive than a greedy person. Besides, isn’t that what God is asking us to do? “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” (Hebrews 13:16 NIV)