Regardless of our past, our bad choices or even our parent’s bad choices, it is still possible to start over on the right foot. Thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus, we are free from all blockages.
Two women with very different pasts from each other, but they find the same failure in romance. Naomi followed her husband into this pagan world and believed her future was secure. Her two sons were married and she was probably already seeing herself as a grandmother. Then her husband dies, and her sons follow shortly after. She only had her two daughters-in-law left. Ruth came from a completely different background, but when she joined Naomi’s family, she inherited the same disaster in love as her mother-in-law. If it’s not a curse, it’s certainly a dark legacy.
Many Christian singles can identify with Ruth. Their mother and aunts never had success in love, and they too are accumulating romantic failures. Their father and uncles had no attachment to their wives, and they too cannot imagine staying with the same woman for the rest of their lives. We choose not to use the word “curse”, so let’s call it the “Naomi effect”. The kind of generational heritage that we would prefer not to have. So if we identify this effect in our lives, what should we do? Good news, the “Naomi effect” can be broken, and the solution is given in the rest of the story.
Naomi and her husband, Elimelech, had left Bethlehem to go to Moab. There was a famine in the land and they chose this solution. They left a blessed land for a pagan land to meet their needs. Many Christian singles opt for the same solution: leaving the Church to seek a partner in the world. For the first few months and years, everything looks fine. They are happy with their decision, but then their joy starts to vanish as the negative consequences begin to accumulate. While their partner may not die, their souls begin to die and their relationships quickly run out of steam.
No matter how much time has passed since we left for Moab, the wise decision is to return to our God, to His blessed people. There will be difficult times, but don’t think that the world can meet our needs. It is in the Presence of God that our help is found (Colossians 2:10). And good news: it’s always a good time to return to God (1 Samuel 7:3). Even if you have the impression that you come back empty-handed and your heart bruised, your Heavenly Father will welcome you with open arms (Luke 15:20). He will find a way to take care of you and restore your joy. If Naomi had not returned, Ruth would not have followed her, and King David would not have been born two generations later.
Others Singles are more like Ruth. They gave their lives to God recently and have never dated or looked for a partner as God dictates in the Bible. For them, it’s time to cut ties with their old world, with Moab. It’s time to say goodbye to their old customs, even some family traditions, and follow only what the Bible says. Maybe you will need assistance; do not hesitate to ask more experienced members of your Church for help in solidifying your new nature, your new identity. Ruth first followed the advice of her mother-in-law, not knowing the local customs. It was thanks to Ruth’s servant heart that God’s blessing found her; so do the same and find a way to serve in your local church.
Whether failures started with your bad decisions or you are living the consequences of your parents’ bad decisions, there is only one way to break the “Naomi effect”: the cross. “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it” (Colossians 2:14-15 KJV). We do not need several hours of fasting and prayer, we just need sincere repentance and complete conversion. “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19 KJV). Christ freed us from everything that condemned our love life. But to enjoy this freedom, our lives must be given entirely to God. To see blessings in all areas of our life, we must dwell in His presence at all the time.
So come back completely to God, or immerse yourself completely for the first time in His presence. Do not hold on to any links with Moab, and break all spiritual links from your family. You can continue to visit your family! But keep in mind that you now have God’s DNA, His heritage and His customs. Make no compromises and live fully in the blessings of the Almighty.