Singles, sometimes we are afraid of disturbing our married friends by calling them periodically. However, this is rarely the case! Do not hesitate to talk to them.
“It’s their turn to call me,” some single people sometimes say, referring to their married friends. “If they doesn’t call me, they don’t want to talk to me,” other single people believe. But all of that is often a preconceived idea, far from reality. The Bible says: “But a married man has more worries. He must worry about the things of this world, because he wants to please his wife” (1 Corinthians 7:33 CEV). Yes, our married friends are sometimes so preoccupied with their worldly problems that they may forget to check in on their single friends. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have time for their single friends: on the contrary!
Married people are very fond of their single friends. Couples sometimes make friends who are also in a relationship, sometimes because the children know each other. But single friends bring a breath of fresh air into the lives of married people. Spending time with them is often a way to take a few minutes off marital obligations and be yourself. Moms sometimes have a hard time taking quality time for themselves. A couple’s outing is not always restful for a mother, especially when the children are invited, but an outing with her single friends will allow her to think of herself. Single friends allow you to put aside the hats of wife or mom (husband or dad ) and simply be yourself. What a blessing!
So take the lead and phone your married friends. You may not have a partner or child to care for, so take care of your brothers and sisters in Christ (Proverbs 18:24). Of course, they may not have the same flexibility as you, and they may not always be able to meet you on a specific date. But [do not be offended1 and burn bridges for that reason. If you believe your married friend is no longer interested in your relationship, don’t just make assumptions. Talk to them openly. If the person tells you that you call them too often, ask them how often they prefer you to call or if they are still interested in your friendship. If they want to cut ties, go pour out your heart to God, then move on to the next friend! You will see, it’s rare that married friends no longer want relations with their former “gang”.
Don’t isolate yourself, it’s good for a single person to have conversations. Of course, don’t be surprised if the married person talks about their marriage and their children. That is their daily life. If you find these topics too dominant, offer other topics of conversation or just tell them. And when your friend tells you about their daily worries or victories, take notes for your future relationship! It is wise to learn from other’s experiences, good or bad. Even if you are not married, God can still inspire you with good advice. By not being involved in their situation, you may be in a better position to see solutions.
Don’t wait any longer, pick up the phone! It’s good for your married friends, and it’s good for you!