Passion374 has been around for 10 years now. With all sorts of offers and services for singles, it is sometimes easy to lose sight of the reason for this ministry. That is why we are here to reaffirm our motivations.
Tobi and I (Caroline) have a passion for singles, those who are looking for a partner, and those who are not. Where does this interest come from? It is difficult to say. We both have a servant’s heart and a great compassion for those cast aside. When we asked God where He wanted us to serve, the cause of singles was obvious. It was not without difficulty that we began our efforts, but our motivation and several words of encouragement supported us in our projects.
Among these words, there are several biblical passages. Psalm 37:4 (which inspired the ministry’s name) is a fundamental verse for us. “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (NKJV). That is probably the verse most often given to singles looking to marry. Although this verse has often been misinterpreted it is true that if we seek God with all our heart, we will meet other children of God who have the same passion for Him. That will provide a solid foundation for building a deep friendship.
The passage in John 5:5-8 is also a great source of inspiration for us. When Jesus met a paralytic man on the edge of the pool of Bethesda, the sick man explained his situation by saying: “I have no one”. Even surrounded by other people, we can feel the weight of loneliness. A loneliness that can handicap us, preventing us from receiving the blessings that God has for us. But Jesus did not respond to this excuse by giving him a wife! The solution to our loneliness is not marriage, as too many singles seem to believe. “Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk” (John 5:8 NKJV). The solution to our loneliness is to believe in Jesus Christ, to take His words to heart, and to go out to meet others. Passion374 wants to offer great opportunities to meet other solos but also to share several inspiring words given by God to strengthen each person’s faith.
Serving solos, that is, singles who want to get married and those who are not looking for a partner, is, for Tobi and me, a simple way to pour out God’s heart. Because for God, solos are His priority. “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27 NKJV). God has always shown protective care and supernatural providence to orphans and widows, who are in some ways, the solos of biblical times. His love, protection, and provision are still very intense for today’s solos. Caring for them is one of the greatest callings of Christianity, and Passion374 responds to it with enthusiasm. Since holiness is also a priority for our heavenly Father, Passion374 encourages solos to live a life free from all defilement. Our blog, YouTube channel, workshops and conferences, and books are all tools to help singles keep their steps in the right direction.
So here are our biblical motivations to meet our two objectives: to help singles grow the Kingdom of God, and to create a healthy environment to develop friendships. If you are single, Tobi and I, along with our entire team, hope to be able to serve you with… passion!