Then here are some questions to discuss:
As long as we are in this body of flesh, we will be tempted to do something that our flesh really wants, but that is not God’s will. What are some temptations a Christian might have? Some that are obvious, but others that are perhaps a little more subtle.
In your own experience, under what circumstances are you most easily tempted? In what conditions do you have the hardest time to resist temptations? And knowing this, what are you doing to protect yourself?
Read Matthew 4:1 to 11. What do you observe, what do you retain in this passage? What does this passage teach you?
Read James 4:7. What do you think is the relationship between “submitting to God” and “resisting the devil”?
Often the word “resist” is used to express something passive, such as “holding back from doing something”. But in the New Testament the word “resist” means “to oppose firmly.” How does it change the way you deal with your temptations to know that to resist = to firmly oppose? Concretely, what will it look like to firmly oppose sexual temptations, gluttony, discouragement, self pity …?
Read Genesis 39:12. Sometimes the temptation is too strong, and it’s hard to oppose, so you have to go to plan B: flee! Why in our society is the idea of fleeing considered a weakness, like being a coward?
Read 1 Corinthians 6:18 2 Timothy 2:22. Paul is not saying to resist the immorality or the passions of youth. Why do you think it is better to flee than to resist when it comes to physical or sexual temptations?
Read 1 Corinthians 10:14. Paul also says to flee from idolatry. What is idolatry nowadays? And why do you think Paul says we have to run away from it?
Read 1 Timothy 6:9-11. Again, Paul says to flee from the love of money. What is dangerous about loving money and why should you run away rather than resist?
What amazed you about the study today and what will you be watching more for?
Some prayer points to conclude:
Pray to ask forgiveness for giving in to certain temptations and now let’s put God back at the center of our life;
Pray for the help of the Holy Spirit to resist when necessary, and flee when necessary;
… And of course, please pray for Passion374! Thank you!
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