Then here are some questions to discuss:
We don’t always realize that we are comparing ourselves to others. Name some places or times when you compare yourself to others. For example: at the gym, do you compare yourself to others sometimes? At the supermarket? At work? Etc.
Are there any good sides to comparing yourself to others? What could be positive about this experience? And is it possible to take advantage of these good points without competition?
Read Philippians 3:14 2 Timothy 4:7. These verses compare the Christian life to a race. In all sports, there is obviously a form of competition with others. But not in these verses! How can we be in a race, but not competing with others?
Read John 21:21-22. What did Jesus think of the competition? Can you name other passages where we see Jesus’ view of the competition among the disciples?
Everyone compares themselves at times. While this can sometimes motivate us, most of the time it gets us into negative feelings. How do you feel when you compare yourself to someone else at the gym? Or when you compare your grocery cart? Or when you compare your single status to other’s status? And in those times of negative feelings, do you feel closer to God, or does it separate you from God? Read Exodus 20:17.
Comparing ourselves to others is not good for our self-esteem. Why? Read Philippians 2:3.
We shouldn’t compare ourselves because we never know the full picture. What would it change in our comparison thoughts if we took the time to reflect on what led the person to this or that accomplishment?
Instead of seeing our shortcomings, how should we react to the successes of others? Read Romans 12:15.
The comparison game is a losing battle. Why? So what could we do to avoid comparisons? Read Philippians 4:11-12.
How can comparing ourselves to others negatively affect our time of praise and worship to God? Read Proverbs 14:30
Some prayer points to conclude:
Pray for forgiveness for having fallen into the game of comparisons;
Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit to be satisfied with what we have;
… And of course, please pray for Passion374! Thank you!
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