Then here are some questions to discuss:
Read Matthew 21:22. We love verses like these very much. But do these verses mean that we can ask God for anything and He will give it to us?
When parents answer “no” to their children’s requests (like to have a small dog!), the children are often very angry. Why?
Do we change as we age? Are you offended when someone (your boss for example) responds negatively to your request? How to calmly accept any refusal?
God also sometimes does not answer our prayer. Read Paul’s prayer (2 Corinthians 12:8-9) and Jesus’ prayer (Matthew 26:39). When a prayer is not answered, how do you usually react?
How do you know if an unanswered prayer is a “no” from God, or an answer blocked by our adversary? The verse 1 John 5:14-15 can help you answer this question.
If we are not convinced that the answer really comes from God, what can we do to be sure?
We don’t always receive our response the way we thought we would receive it. God sometimes responds in his own way. Tell us a testimony of a time when God answered your prayer, but not at all in the way you thought He would.
As for the choice of our partner, we must recognize the voice of God when He answers “no” to our prayer. Why would God say “no” to our prayer, when we ask him if such and such person is a good potential partner for us?
What should we do when we feel a refusal from God?
When should we persevere in prayer, and when should we stop?
Some prayer points to conclude:
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you hear God’s voice
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you accept a refusal
… And of course, please pray for Passion374! Thank you!
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