Then here are some questions to discuss:
In a conflict, it is very rare that only one of the two parties is at fault. Generally, both sides of the conflict have things to blame each other for. Why is it easier to identify the wrongs of others than our own wrongs?
What would it change in a relationship if we started by admitting our wrongs, before pointing out the other’s wrongs? Read Colossians 3:13. What would it change in the church if we started doing what this verse says?
When we recognize our wrongs, we adopt an attitude of humility. Is it humiliating to humiliate yourself? Do you need to have a lack of self-esteem to be able to humiliate yourself?
Read 1 Peter 5:5. Why does God prefer humility? Doesn’t He want us to be “more than conquerors”?
Read Luke 6:29 This verse is the picture of ultimate humility. Not only must we acknowledge our wrongs in a conflict, but we must not even demand our due when we are persecuted, when we are not at fault! How can we apply this principle in our everyday lives?
Read Matthew 5:9. Jesus asks us to be “peacemakers”. What brings more peace in conflict: winning an argument or sharing responsibility? Do you feel at peace when you win an argument?
Sometimes we make a mistake. Are you capable of admitting your mistakes or are you more the type to justify your actions? If you are able to admit your mistakes, have you always been like this, or have you learned to do so?
Not recognizing our wrongs prevents us from growing, becoming mature and wise, because we learn from our mistakes. Do you have any testimony on this? A life lesson that you unfortunately learned after making a mistake.
Singles, what have you learned from your past relationships? How have your bad experiences brought you closer to God?
Read Matthew 5:9. What should you do if you are at fault in a conflict, but the other party does not recognize their faults? Does this mean you have lost the battle?
Some prayer points to conclude:
Ask the Holy Spirit for strength to admit our wrongs and to bring peace around us;
Take time to forgive your old relationships (because we also have our share of wrongs to admit!);
… And of course, please pray for Passion374! Thank you!
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