We know what God expects of us, but when faced with pressing desires (like being in a relationship!), we sometimes lose the desire to remain faithful to God. Let’s look at the reasons why we should stay in holiness.
When it hurts to follow God
Sometimes we quickly read the verses in Romans 12 that talk about being a living sacrifice. Because being a sacrifice is not fun. Then it is not easy to find joy in Christ when it is painful to follow Him.
I don't want to marry the wrong person!
That is probably the greatest fear of Christian singles and the dominant question during dating. Yet in God, we can find there the peace we need to make this big decision.
The three levels of sacrifice
The Christian life is not always easy. To grow spiritually, we need to step out of our comfort zone and make sacrifices. That is also a good practice for our future married life!
Pay attention to your tongue!
We speak an average of 15,000 words per day. A single word can uplift or destroy a person. So we have a very dangerous weapon at our disposal and the Bible teaches us to use it with great wisdom.