Whether you have been enchanted by or are fiercely opposed to your friend’s romantic relationship, if it ends, there will be broken hearts. Here are some tips to truly comfort your friend.
Is your wallet ready for marriage?
Taking care of your bank account is as important as taking care of your health. You want to give your best to your future partner, don’t you? Well, that also includes your bank account.
The art of worship
Praising and worshiping God is not just singing on Sunday morning in church. It is a pleasant and essential practice in our relationship with our Savior and Lord. It can even prepare us for a happy marriage!
Creating windows of opportunity
The fear of rejection or looking ridiculous often prevents us from moving forward. It is like this in love as it is in business or spiritually. Yet, most of the time, all it takes is to open a small window of opportunity.
Cleaning up our circle of friends
Our friends are in our lives for a time. Some will be there for a very long time, and others, for a short season. Sadly, some friendships can become toxic. So sometimes it is necessary to do some cleanup.