When we talk about a relationship, of course, we think about love, affection, tenderness and all the little touches that are added. Yet, love is not enough to build a strong couple: you also need trust.
Making the first steps online
Whether on a dating website or on social media, it is possible to come across a special person. So how do you approach this person without looking weird?
The “false” gift of celibacy
“If I’m alone, does that mean I have the gift of celibacy?” Maybe so, but maybe not! A little introspection is necessary.
Volunteering - a benefit for singles
Whether at our local church or outside it’s walls, there are many benefits in giving our time to serve other people, especially when we are single!
What Aaron's Staff Teaches Us
The Word of God is filled with examples of divine intervention. All this shows us that God listens to His children, and He answers. His love for us has not changed. We can trust Him and follow Him in all things.