Finding a partner when we are single can be complicated. If we are looking for a Christian partner, the challenge is even greater. Now if we add to that a disability, can we still hope to get married? Obviously!
Reasons why men are single according to Reddit
We often forget that Christians are not the only ones who are single and looking to get married. We need to remember that Christians and unbelievers do face the same issues. However, as Christians, we have another option that unbelievers don’t, God.
All my friends are married now ...
Until recently your group of friends was woven tightly together. Texts of pranks or rumors abounded all day, and you were never alone on the weekends: it was party time! But now they are all married, all except you. What do you do?
Give up or give “up”?
Surrender your dreams to the Lord… Does it mean to give up our dream of getting married, or to stop looking, to give up all hope, all expectations? There are two ways to give up: one that produces hope, and one that produces despair.
How do you know if it's the right person?
It’s one of the biggest decisions of our life. As children of God, we know that there is no turning back. So we want to be sure to marry the right person. What are the signs to look for?