Whether at work, school or at church, we are constantly in contact with people of the opposite sex. Sometimes they become close friends. But a platonic friendship between a man and a woman: is that possible?
What is marriage?
Most single Christians want to get married; few have received the gift of celibacy. But to make sure you have a strong marriage, you need to commit for the right reasons. Let’s see what the Bible says about it.
The bad reasons for wanting to get married
Anything we try to build on a bad foundation can only collapse with time and hardships. This is also the case for marriage. So it is better to think about our motivations for getting married before making a commitment before God.
To each their own love story
We often envy the successes of others and try to emulate what they did to achieve the same results. It’s not bad, but let’s remember that God has made us all unique and so we all have our own story to write.
Free yourself from idolatry
Are there idols in your life? We are not talking about small statuettes or personalities you admire, but those modern idols that God hates. Here is a way to identify them and the reason why they are so harmful.