Which Single hasn’t heard this comment?! Words that often come from parents, who are anxious to see us married. How should we react to these irritating criticisms?
I don't want to marry the wrong person!
That is probably the greatest fear of Christian singles and the dominant question during dating. Yet in God, we can find there the peace we need to make this big decision.
Have you noticed the miracle?
God is continually at work in our life, but we don’t always notice it. Especially when we are exhausted. So let us be alert, even if we are tired, so we do not miss His miracles.
Because He is the God of the impossible!
When circumstances beyond our control prevent us from pursuing our goals, we can be utterly discouraged. When our dreams seem unreachable, our heavenly Father wants to remind us that He is the God of the impossible!
Joy along the way
When we were children, we learned that if we do an action we will achieve a result. Therefore, to have what we covet, we strive to follow certain rules. But in God, it’s a little different.