When we start a new job, we want to be useful. We want to use our talents for the benefit of our employer. And this is great! But that attitude should be found in all areas of our life.

When we start a new job, we want to be useful. We want to use our talents for the benefit of our employer. And this is great! But that attitude should be found in all areas of our life.
In a time when people are confused and worried, the Church must be, more than ever, courageous and focused. And this is a calling for all Christians, not just pastors!
In Christian circles, sometimes it is taboo to say that we are sad, discouraged, angry, or disappointed. A good Christian should always be cheerful, they say! Yet our soul is a gift from God and we must take care of it.
With all the spiritual books available on the market, and the torrent of uplifting videos on the Internet, is it still necessary to attend a local church?
Most key positions in local churches are held by married people for several reasons. But are those reasons really legitimate? How can singles be useful and flourish towards their full potential?