When it is hot, our eyes perceive puddles on the roads. However, advancing on the road, we realize that nothing is wet. It was just a mirage. Our reasoning can be in error and in all areas of our lives!
Be focused and courageous
In a time when people are confused and worried, the Church must be, more than ever, courageous and focused. And this is a calling for all Christians, not just pastors!
Avoid the shades of gray
It’s not easy to stand firm on our Christian standards, especially when time passes and our desires become increasingly urgent. However you are not the only one holding on to those standards, and they are totally worth it.
7 reasons that could explain you being single
“Why am I single?” This is a question many Christians ask and we tried to answered it during our annual conference on September 25th. We translated it and you can now see the full version of this conference in English.