Then here are some questions to discuss:
There are advantages to being single. Can you name a few?
But sometimes these benefits bring us into a kind of comfort. Do you find it difficult to get out of your comfort zone? What do you find most difficult about getting out of your comfort zone? (Does this comfort increase with age, is it more difficult to get out of our comfort as we age?
Don’t follow your heart
When a person is not certain of their decision, their friends will often say “just follow your heart”, suggesting that deep down, they know what the right thing to do is. But does God agree with that?
Tiredness is dangerous
Driving when we are very tired can be dangerous; city services often have awareness campaigns on the subject. But fatigue can also be dangerous for our relationship with God!
The real danger of dating websites
The fears are real: women are afraid of falling for a serial killer, and the men don’t want to meet a girl who doesn’t look like her profile picture. However, the real danger of dating sites is unique and much sneakier!