Being a Christian single in a small town, even a village, can be discouraging. But is the location of where we live really an obstacle?

Being a Christian single in a small town, even a village, can be discouraging. But is the location of where we live really an obstacle?
We often hear Christians say that they have asked God for a sign to prove to them that they are making the right decision. It sounds very spiritual, but is it a practice that God appreciates?
Sometimes we give ourselves big goals then start with hope and determination, but after climbing the first steps, we realize that the climb will be much more difficult than expected. If you need strength this year, God has the solution!
Prayer and reading the Bible is a necessity for a Christian. This is what connects us to God. But what God wants is also that we are connected to the body of Christ, and that is more than attending church on Sunday.
God is all-powerful and omnipotent, that is, He can do everything. Despite this, just like a good Father, He will not do everything for us. In many situations, our victory will depend on our own boldness and courage.