You don’t need a degree in biology to understand that stagnant water doesn’t produce anything good. Bacteria multiply there, and so do odors! To be invigorating, water needs to be in motion. Just like our relationship with God.
Be focused and courageous
In a time when people are confused and worried, the Church must be, more than ever, courageous and focused. And this is a calling for all Christians, not just pastors!
9 Benefits of a Good Relationship with the Holy Spirit (Part 2)
The Holy Spirit is a great help to us in all areas, including the challenges of being single. He is supporting us through his love, joy, peace, and patience, as we saw last week. Now, let us look at five other benefits.
9 Benefits of a Good Relationship with the Holy Spirit (Part 1)
When we give our life to Jesus, when He becomes our Savior and Lord, we become the temple of the Holy Spirit. Which is very advantageous for someone that is single. This week, let’s look at the first 4 benefits.