When we confidently say that everything is fine with us, it usually means that we have everything we want and that our plans are coming true. But does God have the same definition of well-being?
Getting married to be happy?
A popular verse given to single people says that “he who finds a wife finds a good thing”, sometimes translated by “finds happiness” (Proverbs 18:22). Does this mean that to be happy, you have to get married? That is far from the truth!
Free yourself from idolatry
Are there idols in your life? We are not talking about small statuettes or personalities you admire, but those modern idols that God hates. Here is a way to identify them and the reason why they are so harmful.
The art of worship
Praising and worshiping God is not just singing on Sunday morning in church. It is a pleasant and essential practice in our relationship with our Savior and Lord. It can even prepare us for a happy marriage!
The key to happiness
There are two levels of submission to God. One, we can ask him to rule over our daily life, and ask Him for His guidance in all our decisions. In our projects, we talk to God, for Him to guides us in the right direction and for His favor and the favor of men. And this is a key to success, as Proverbs 16.3 (NCV) says : “Depend on the Lord in whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”