There are benefits to being single, but sometimes (or often, some might say!) living alone can get boring. Silence is said to be golden, but it can also be overwhelming. So what to do at such times? Here are some ideas!
Getting married with an ultimate goal
Many singles feel that the weight of loneliness is too heavy to bear and they seek comfort in marriage. But is it wise to marry for only that reason?
The bad reasons for wanting to get married
Anything we try to build on a bad foundation can only collapse with time and hardships. This is also the case for marriage. So it is better to think about our motivations for getting married before making a commitment before God.
The mirage of loneliness
Many singles believe that by changing their marital status, they will no longer feel alone. However loneliness can affect married people the same as single people, and this feeling isn’t necessarily a bad thing.