The vast majority of single people have asked this question once in their lifetime. Some refused to ask it because they feared the answer. Let’s see what the Bible says about it.
7 reasons that could explain you being single
“Why am I single?” This is a question many Christians ask and we tried to answered it during our annual conference on September 25th. We translated it and you can now see the full version of this conference in English.
How to pray for your future marriage
The Bible says : “Ask and you shall receive”. If we want to get married, of course, we should talk to God first. So here are some tips to pray effectively for this next step in your life.
Getting ready for marriage; getting ready for war
For the vast majority of singles, marriage looks like an improvement to their situation. But is that really the case? If we idealize marriage, we are more than likely to be surprised after the honeymoon. It also applies to our relationship with God.
Single in peace; Single in love
Our pace of life is so fast. We are constantly being bombarded with thoughts. No wonder peace is so difficult to find. Fortunately, as Christians, peace is always at hand; love too.