The wait can seem long… so long that we wonder if God has forgotten us. But when we think it’s too late for our miracle, God surprises us with a solution that is more miraculous than we imagined!
For generations to come
We have many dreams and get disappointed or even angry when they don’t come true. Rarely do we view all of this from an eternal perspective. However, life does not end with us.
When it is boring to be single
There are benefits to being single, but sometimes (or often, some might say!) living alone can get boring. Silence is said to be golden, but it can also be overwhelming. So what to do at such times? Here are some ideas!
To each their own love story
We often envy the successes of others and try to emulate what they did to achieve the same results. It’s not bad, but let’s remember that God has made us all unique and so we all have our own story to write.
How to be well prepared for the next step
When we enter a new chapter of our life, we can do it without thinking, just groping and improvising, or we can take the time to prepare ourselves, so we avoid missteps.