Doing what God wants is very important. But God doesn’t want little robots. He also wants our actions to be accompanied by a good attitude.

Doing what God wants is very important. But God doesn’t want little robots. He also wants our actions to be accompanied by a good attitude.
We are blessed to live in a time where technology allows us to hear all kinds of teachings and enjoy all kinds of Christian music. But we must be careful with this comfort so that we don’t forget the sacredness of what we are doing.
Many singles are desperate to find a partner. However, celibacy is not a sickness or a problem to be dealt with. On the contrary, in the hands of God, it is even an opportunity!
We know what God expects of us, but when faced with pressing desires (like being in a relationship!), we sometimes lose the desire to remain faithful to God. Let’s look at the reasons why we should stay in holiness.
The Christian life is not always easy. To grow spiritually, we need to step out of our comfort zone and make sacrifices. That is also a good practice for our future married life!