There are evenings when our soul is not at its best. Everyone around us seems happier than us and nothing seems to be working for us. So we start to lament. It’s a nasty spiral that gets us nowhere.
It's time to take a break
It’s good to set goals and have plans, but we can’t be constantly busy. It is good to take vacations, time to rest, even in our desire to build a life together.
Let Jesus be the Savior
Wanting to help others is great! Jesus asked us to be servants of one another. But there is still a limit: you have to be careful not to become the savior! This is the responsibility of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit.
The exploitation of singles
Because they do not have anyone waiting for them at home, singles are often asked, and not always politely, to volunteer for all sorts of tasks. It’s time to learn how to say “no”.
Getting ready for marriage; getting ready for war
For the vast majority of singles, marriage looks like an improvement to their situation. But is that really the case? If we idealize marriage, we are more than likely to be surprised after the honeymoon. It also applies to our relationship with God.